It’s the time of year when we gather around the TV with a bowl of popcorn and indulge on our favorite horror films. Whether you have your own media room, home theater, man cave, or in your living room, we know these 10 horror movies now streaming on Netflix will quench your thirst for a good scare! Just be warned that these are NOT suitable for kids.
Have a happy and safe Halloween from your friends at Connected Home!
10. Rosemary’s Baby
Year: 1968 Director: Roman Polanski
A frightening tale of Satanism and pregnancy that is even more disturbing than it sounds thanks to convincing and committed performances by Mia Farrow and Ruth Gordon.
9. The House of the Devil
Year: 2009 Director: Ti West
Though its underlying themes are familiar, House of the Devil effectively sheds the loud and gory cliches of contemporary horror to deliver a tense, slowly building throwback to the fright flicks of decades past.
8. Stake Land
Year: 2010 Director: Jim Mickle
Director Jim Mickle focuses on strong characterization and eerie atmosphere to craft an effective apocalyptic vampire chiller that also manages to pack a mean punch.
7. American Psycho
Year: 2000 Director: Mary Harron
Bret Easton Ellis’s novel, American Psycho finds its own blend of horror and humor, thanks in part to a fittingly creepy performance by Christian Bale.
6. The Babadook
Year: 2014 Director: Jennifer Kent
The Babadook relies on real horror rather than cheap jump scares — and boasts a heartfelt, genuinely moving story to boot.
5. Re-Animator
Year: 1985 Director: Stuart Gordon
Perfectly mixing humor and horror, the only thing more effective than Re-Animator’s gory scares are its dry, deadpan jokes.
4. The Omen
Year: 1976 Director: Richard Donner
The young son of an American diplomat and his wife, living in London, turns out to be marked with the sign of Satan, the infamous “666”. It soon becomes apparent that he could be the Anti-Christ incarnate and possesses the evil powers to stop anyone who stands in his way.
3. Let the Right One In
Year: 2008 Director: Tomas Alfredson
Let the Right One In reinvigorates the seemingly tired vampire genre by effectively mixing scares with intelligent storytelling.
2. The Silence of the Lambs
Year: 1991 Director: Jonathan Demme
Director Jonathan Demme’s smart, taut thriller teeters on the edge between psychological study and all-out horror, and benefits greatly from stellar performances by Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster.
1. The Exorcist
Year: 1973 Director: William Friedkin
The Exorcist rides its supernatural theme to magical effect, with remarkable special effects and an eerie atmosphere, resulting in one of the scariest films of all time.